Infomercials. We’ve all seen them. What comes to mind when you think of infomercials? Chia pets? Sham wow? Shake weight? There are some products out there that just make you wonder, “why?” Then there are gadgets and gizmos that peak your interest.

I recently saw a blogger using an “avocado tool.” Avocado tool? You ask. Yes, a one-and-done tool from that slices, dices, and even removes the avocado pit with ease!

Don’t believe me? Watch the time-lapse video below to see it for yourself.

Alright, alright, I’m done talking about avocado tools. Let’s get down to business with the:

3 Avocado Super Toast Combinations You Need to Make, Today!

How often have you gone to the grocery store to pick up a few dinner ingredients and been suckered into purchasing something from the strategically placed end-cap display? I know some of you reading this are chuckling to yourselves right now thinking back to the last time you got suckered into an impulse buy probably at least once or twice this week already, am I right? What’d they getcha with last time? At Breckenridge’s local City Market, it’s always the La Croix boxes or Smart Pop bags that somehow end up in my shopping cart albeit they were never on my list – whoops!

Last week, it was the 99 cent avocados. Now, you might be thinking, “99 cent avocados, that’s normal price!” Well my friend, if that’s what is going through your head right now, odds are you do not live in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. I grew up as a California girl, with ample, cheap, avocados at my fingertips. The past 7 years living in Colorado have been an adjustment, to say the least.

With a “get em while they’re hot” mentality, I loaded up my card with 6 rock-hard avocados, not worried in the slightest they weren’t ripe – or that next week, they might ripen all at the same time

Well, you guessed it, this week I woke up one morning and it was as if the avocados had magically decided to all be ready to eat on the same day. What was I going to do?!

They say when life gives you lemons, you should throw them at people. So when life gave me six extremely ripe avocados, naturally I made all sorts of what I like to call avocado “super-toast!”

Here are 3 easy, delicious avocado toast recipes for the next time you end up in my situation, or, you just want a mouthwatering breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack!

Radish & Feta Crumbles with Lemon Spritz


Respecting your intelligence, I don’t think I need to write a descriptive and detailed step by step process of how to make avocado toast. But just in case, here’s the short version:

Slice your avocado in half, store other have in Tupperware in the refrigerator or even better, in this convenient freshness-saving avocado hugger from Amazon! Thinly slice radish so you have 5-10 slices, depending on your preference. Pop 2 pieces of Dave’s 21-Grain Killer Bread into the toaster. Cut lemon in half while waiting for bread to toast. Spread avocado on toast, top with radish slices, feta crumbles and a spritz of fresh lemon – enjoy!

Radish Feta Avocado Toast

Radish Feta Avocado Toast

Power-up this combo with:

Egg & Everything But The Bagel Seasoning


Trader Joes Everything But the Bagel Avocado Toast

This combination is MOUTHWATERING. After months of hearing friends rave about Trader Joe’s Everything But The Bagel – Sesame Seasoning Blend I finally took the plunge and ordered the dang thing online (grocery stores are few and far between here in Breckenridge). I am so in love and so bummed I did not hop on the bandwagon sooner! This seasoning truly lives up to all the hype it receives. Don’t limit this seasoning to my avocado toast suggestions, sprinkle this on anything, and everything!

Power-up this combo with:

Caprese Avocado Toast with Balsamic Glaze


Caprese Avocado Toast

Caprese Avocado Toast

Who here has been to Italy?! Or who is just a lover of all things cheese, tomato, and carbs? Wherever you fall on the spectrum, this enticing ensemble will satiate your taste buds but leave you coming back for more! These ingredients over creamy avocado and the “crunccchh” of toast are the perfect combination for food jealousy from your co-workers, S.O., friends, or fam!

Power-up this combo with:

What are some of your favorite avocado toast combinations? Share below. Now let’s go make some toast!

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Avocado Toast

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