
Excited does not even begin to describe how we felt rollin’ across the Thai border in to our EIGHTH country, Malaysia! Most of our eagerness revolved around the fact we would soon be in Malaysia’s food capital, Penang Island, Georgetown! As soon as we received our Visa stamp from the surly border crossing agent…


Immaculate. Efficient. Pricey. Green. These four words sum up Singapore, but I won’t leave you hanging like that. Singapore is unique, it does not have states or a capital. Simply, Singapore is Singapore. Of course there are the different parts of town, Little India, Chinatown, Business District, The Famous Marina Bay Sands, Sentosa, to…

Siem Reap

Fried tarantulas, dried scorpions, chicken fetus and snakes on a stick? I bet that’s not exactly how you expected this post to start off. My apologies if you’re reading while enjoying a nice dinner, lunch or mid-morning snack. In Siem Reap we expanded our culinary palates, if you can stand to classify…

Phnom Penh

There are places in this incredible world that have experienced tragic oppression and horrific human rights violations. Cambodia is one of those places. In the 1970’s, a mere 30-odd years ago, the Khmer population in Cambodia (the largest ethnic group) experienced a bloody genocide, influenced and led by Pol Pot. His mission was…

Southern Cambodia

New country, new faces, new flavors, foods and smells. After romping around Vietnam for an entire 2 months, it was a strange, yet exciting feeling to move on. From the South of Vietnam, we crossed the border at Ha Tien to Cambodia – in the coming days we had riverside water parks, white sand beaches and…

Beach Towns

Quy Nhơn Life’s A Beach, at least in Quy Nhơn that is. This was also the name of our oceanfront hostel we relaxed at while visiting a small fishing village in Quy Nhơn. We stayed at on Bai Xep beach, a secluded beach haven outside of city-like Quy Nhơn…

Da Nang

Hai Van Pass Hai Van is the breathtaking high road we took from Huế to Da Nang. The twisting, turning pavement takes you through a lush, bright green mountain range.  Waterfalls, mountain goats and visuals of the beautiful blue ocean below show the true beauty of Vietnam, a perfect combination of mountain and ocean, as…

Hội An

Hội An is nestled along the coastline of Vietnam, yet is so much more than a quaint beach town. Dubbed the city of lanterns and tailors, the streets of Hội An are packed with charming local shops bustling with travelers in search of affordable (in comparison to back home) tailor-made goods. This…